Red green wine?

Red ‘Vinho Verde’ served in the traditional bowl at Zé dos Cornos, in Lisboa


Naturally. You thought you knew something about Portuguese wine and then I bring you a red version of Vinho Verde!

‘Vinho Verde Tinto’ is the name. It is a sharp, fresh, and slightly acidic wine that goes really well with the rich and strong food of Minho. Challenging dishes like:

Arroz de Cabidela’ – A kind of risotto made with homegrown chicken and its blood;

Bacalhau Assado’ (see picture above) – Salted Cod grilled on charcoal. Served with potatoes and salad;

Papas de Sarrabulho’ – Another dish made with blood. This time the victim is a pig;

Lampreia à Minhota’ – Another rizotto style rice dish made with lamprey, a river fish mostly fished in the rivers Minho, Tejo, and Mondego.

Further reading: Glorious Minho


Ribatejo: the flatland of Portugal


A do Manel