Ribatejo: the flatland of Portugal

The great “Tejo” in Vila Nova da Barquinha. Foto Filipe Gill

As we cross the bridge over the Tagus in Carregado, the landscape gives it away: the “lezíria” is so evident and overwhelming that we know we are in Ribatejo. The vast plains, the rice fields, the amount of water from the Tagus and the Sorraia turns this region in something unusual in Portugal: no hills and plenty of water. And this make Ribetejo the agriculture capital of our country.

Ribatejo is known as the land of bulls and horses.

10 special things from the food of Ribatejo:

Torricado com Bacalhau assado an brasa Torricado with grilled salted cod. You will find this dish in and around the town of Azambuja. It is a working people dish made to be taken to the fields. The basis is a good slice of bread that is grilled on the same embers of the bacalhau and the rubbed with garlic a laced with good olive oil and sea salt.

Sopa da Pedra (see the article on this dish)

Açorda de Sável To be enjoyed around the river Tejo (Tagus in English), is made with bread and river fish called ’sável’ (Allis Shad in English). To be eaten in season (late Winter) in Vila Franca de Xira or other towns around the Tejo.

Magusto Tipical side dish form Azambuja and Cartaxo. Made with bread and beans. Similar to Migas from Alentejo. it’s sister region in the South.

Enguias Fritas Deep-fried eels form the river.

Estufado de touro bravo Wild bull braised in red wine. How ‘cacho’ can we get?

Migas de Espargos Not technically in Ribatejo, we will include it because the “Wild Asparagus” grows mainly on the banks of the Sorraia.

Melão da Almeirim Also known as melão da Lezíria, this is the most iconic fruit of Ribatejo: the perfect product of hot sun and plenty of water.

Fatias de Tomar Another great example of ‘doçaria conventual’ this rich desert is made with egg yolks and lots of sugar.

Sopa de Bacalhau dos Campinos The ‘campinos’ are the horsemen that look after the herds of cows and bulls. Similar to ‘cowboys’. This is a working day soup made with ‘bacalhau’, tomato and bread.

Ribatejo corresponds to the distrito of Santarém plus 5 more municipalities from the distritos of Lisboa and Setúbal (Azambuja and Vila Franca de Xira; Alcochete, Montijo and Moita)


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